Methods for INcomplete Data (MIND)


Exciting news and events!

November 2024: Tanya Garcia wins the Roy R. Kuebler Award, an award that supports career-enhancing activities for Assistant and Associate Professors in the Department of Biostatistics.

October 2024: Check out our article "Estimating rates of change to interpret quantitative wastewater surveillance of disease trends" in the Science of the Total Environment Journal by David Holcomb, Ariel Christensen, Kelly Hoffman, Allison Lee, A. Denene Blackwood, Thomas Clerkin, Javier Gallard-Góngora, Angela Harris, Nadine Kotlarz, Helena Mitasova, Stacie Reckling, Francis L. de los Reyes III, Jill R. Stewart, Virginia T. Guidry, Rachel T. Noble, Marc L. Serre, Tanya Garcia, and Larry Engel. It was so fun working with a team that was playful with research and let the curiosity drive the research.

August 2024: Tanya Garcia wins the Landis Award for Outstanding Mentorship, an annual award from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), named in honor of former NINDS Director Dr. Story Landis.

April 2024: Tanya Garcia is elected as an American Statistical Association Fellow!

April 2024: Abby Foes wins the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!! I couldn't be more proud, Abby!

March 2024: Tanya Garcia is awarded the Gertrude M. Cox Award from the Washington Statistical Society and RTI International!

February 2024: Check out our article "Should regression calibration or multiple imputation be used when calibrating different devices in a longitudinal study?" in the American Journal of Epidemiology by Matthew Loop, Sarah Lotspeich, Tanya Garcia, and Michelle Myers. A publication I was proud to co-author with my former postdoc!

January 2024: Jesus Vazquez is awarded a Diversity Supplement from NIH NINDS!! You keep going for win after win, Jesus!

January 2024: Kyle Grosser is awarded a Diversity Supplement from NIH NINDS!!

December 2023: Tanya Garcia featured in Carolina Scientific at UNC Chapel Hill!

November 2023: Jesus Vazquez is selected for the Building Future Faculty Program at NC State. Way to go, Jesus!!

October 2023: Check out our article "Understanding the implications of a complete case analysis for regression models with a right-censored covariate." in The American Statistician by Marissa Ashner and Tanya Garcia. This is Marissa's first first-author paper!

July 2023: Marissa Ashner successfully defends her PhD---welcome to the club Dr. Ashner!!

June 2023: Tanya Garcia is selected to be a Provost Distinguished Leader at UNC Chapel Hill!

May 2023: Our lab gets its first R01 from NIH NINDS!

May 2023: Check out our article "Making sense of censored covariates: Statistical methods for studies of Huntington's disease" in Annual Review of Statistics and Its Applications by Sarah Lotspeich, Marissa Ashner, Jesus Vazquez, Brian Richardson, Kyle Grosser, Benjamin Bodek, and Tanya Garcia. Team science is so much fun!

May 2023: Tanya Garcia is selected as Chair-Elect of the Biometrics Section of the American Statistical Association (ASA)!

May 2023: Tanya Garcia is selected to be a visiting scholar at The University of Sydney Mathematical Research Institute for summer 2024!

April 2023: Jesus Vazquez is invited to an all-expense paid trip to present his doctoral research at Two Sigma in New York City! You just keep kickin' research butt, Jesus!

April 2023: Marissa Ashner wins the UNC Gillings School Academic Excellence award! Love how your stellarness is shining, Marissa!

April 2023: Kyle Grosser wins the UNC Gillings School Service award! Your dedication to making biostatistics more inclusive has such a huge impact, Kyle!

April 2023: Tanya Garcia is inducted into the Delta Omega Honorary Society at UNC Chapel Hill!

April 2023: Check out our article "A positive definite thresholding estimator of a covariance matrix and its asymptotic efficiency" in Journal of Multivariate Analysis by Rakheon Kim, Mohsen Pourahmadi, and Tanya Garcia.

March 2023: Sarah Lotspeich, a lab alumni, awarded the David P. Byar Early Career Award. Way to go Sarah!

March 2023: Marissa Ashner wins Honorable Mention for the Gertrude M. Cox Award from the American Statistical Association. So proud of you Marissa!

February 2023: Tanya Garcia featured in UNC Endeavors!

February 2023: Tanya Garcia, Yanyuan Ma, and Joan Hu will host the workshop "Bridging Statistical Strategies for Censored Covariates" at the Banff International Research Station in January 2024. We're looking forward to creating new research on this exciting topic!

February 2023: Check out our article "Mission Imputable: correcting for Berkson error when imputing a censored covariate" on arxiv by Kyle Grosser, Sarah Lotspeich, and Tanya Garcia.

December 2022: Tanya Garcia selected as a Tyson Academic Leadership Fellow at UNC Chapel Hill for 2023-2024!

December 2022: Check out our article "Back to the basics: exploring the validity of the complete case analysis for regression models with a right-censored covariate" on arxiv by Marissa Ashner and Tanya Garcia.

March 2022: Tanya Garcia receives the 2022 Carolina Women's Leadership Council Faculty Mentoring Award, all thanks to her lab's kind nomination!

September 2022: Check out our article "It’s integral: Replacing the trapezoidal rule to remove bias and correctly impute censored covariates with their conditional means" on arxiv by Sarah Lotspeich and Tanya Garcia.

September 2022: Sarah Lotspeich's proposal “Not all censoring is a survival problem: Statistical methods for censored covariates” is selected as an invited session at ENAR 2023!

August 2022: Sarah Lotspeich wins the Lee Travel Award from the Caucus for Women in Statistics. You keep rocking on Sarah!

August 2022: Rakheon Kim joins the Department of Statistical Science at Baylor University as an assistant professor. You never cease to amaze me Rakheon!

June 2022: Marissa Ashner wins the travel award for the University of Utah Rising Stars in Population Health Sciences. You'll always be my rising star, Marissa!

June 2022: Sarah Lotspeich joins the Department of Statistical Sciences at Wake Forest University as an assistant professor. Your future is so bright Sarah!

June 2022: Sarah Lotspeich wins a travel award to participate in the IMS New Researcher's Conference!

June 2022: Kyle Grosser wins a travel award from the UNC Graduate and Professional Development Association. Enjoy your travels to JSM 2022, Kyle!

April 2022: Rakheon Kim passes his dissertation defense with flying colors. Super proud of my very first PhD student!

March 2022: Marissa Ashner lands an internship with NORC at the University of Chicago!

March 2022: Tanya Garcia receives the CEHS Pilot Project grant!

January 2022: Marissa Ashner is selected for the Future Fellows Research Conference at St Jude. Your hard work keeps paying off, Marissa!

January 2022: Check out our article "Correcting conditional mean imputation for censored covariates and improving usability" in Biometrical Journal by Sarah Lotspeich, Kyle Grosser, and Tanya Garcia.

September 2021: Sarah Lotspeich's proposal “What we know about what we don’t know: Overcoming incomplete data in practice” is selected as an invited session at the Joint Statistics Meeting 2022!

July 2021: Check out our article "svReg: Structural Varying-coefficient regression to differentiate how regional brain atrophy affects motor impairment for Huntington disease severity groups" in Biometrical Journal.

January 2021: Kyle Grosser wins a fellowship from the Foundation for Science and Disability American Association for the Advancement of Science. Excellent work Kyle!

January 2021: Tanya Garcia becomes chair of the Regional Advisory Board of ENAR.

January 2021: Tanya Garcia becomes Associate Editor for Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics.

May 2020: Check out our article "Robust methods to correct for measurement error when evaluating a surrogate marker" in Biometrics.

September 2020: Tanya Garcia featured in AMSTAT News Hispanic Heritage Month!

August 2020: Check out our article "Dynamic landmark prediction for mixture models" in Biostatistics.

July 2020: Tanya Garcia joins the Department of Biostatistics at UNC Chapel Hill as a tenured, associate professor.

May 2020: Check out our article "Estimating disease onset from change points of markers measured with error" in Biostatistics.

January 2020: Tanya Garcia joins the Scientific Advisory Board for the Huntington's Disease Society of America.

December 2019: Check out our article "Analysis of repeated measures data in nutrition research" in Frontiers in Bioscience.

October 2019: Check out our article "Single Logging Vehicle Crashes and Variables Associated with Injury in Louisiana" in Journal of AgroMedicine.

August 2019: Check out our article "Consistent estimator for logistic mixed effect models" in The Canadian Journal of Statistics.

June 2019: Tanya Garcia becomes Associate Editor for Biostatistics.

June 2019: Tanya Garcia is the plenary speaker at the 39th International Symposium on Forecasting.

April 2019: Check out our article "Time-varying Proportional Odds Model for Mega-analysis of Clustered Event Times" in Biostatistics.

July 2018: Tanya Garcia joins the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University as a tenured, associate professor.

June 2018: Tanya Garcia becomes chair of Developing the Next Generation of Biostatisticians for the Biometrics Section of the American Statistical Association.

June 2018: Check out our article "Disease progression in Huntington Disease: an analysis of multiple longitudinal outcomes" in Journal of Huntington's Disease.

May 2018: Check out our book chapter "Huntington's Disease" in Oxford Textbook of Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Epidemiology.

November 2017: Check out our article "Simultaneous treatment of unspecified heteroskedastic model error distribution and mismeasured covariates for restricted moment models" in Journal of Econometrics.

November 2017: Check out our article "Robust mixed-effects model for clustered failure time data: application to Huntington's disease event measures" in Annals of Applied Statistics.

October 2017: Check out our article "Statistical Approaches to longitudinal data analysis in neurodegenerative diseases: Huntington's Disease as a model" in Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports.

September 2017: Tanya Garcia selected as a Mentoring Institute for Neuroscience Diversity Scholar!

May 2017: Check out our book chapter "Statistical modeling of Huntington disease onset" in Handbook of Clinical Neurology.

December 2016: Tanya Garcia receives a K01 grant from the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke!

August 2016: Check out our article "Cox regression with exclusion frequency-based weights to identify neuroimaging markers relevant to Huntington's disease onset" in Annals of Applied Statistics.

September 2016: Tanya Garcia receives Southeastern Travel Grant at Texas A&M University.

June 2016: Check out our article "Modeling the Cholesky factors of covariance matrices of multivariate longitudinal data" in Journal of Multivariate Analysis.

July 2015: Check out our article "Optimal estimator for logistic model with distribution-free random intercept" in Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.

June 2015: Tanya Garcia receives the Texas A&M School of Public Health Research Enhancement and Development Initiative (REDI) Grant!

August 2014: Check out our article "Combining isotonic regression and EM algorithm to predict genetic risk under monotonicity constraint and unknown genotypes" in Annals of Applied Statistics.

October 2013: Check out our article "Influence of measures of significance-based weights in the weighted Lasso" in Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (Invited paper).

September 2013: Tanya Garcia receives her first grant: the Huntington's Disease Society of America Human Biology Project Fellowship!

February 2013: Check out our article "Identification of important regressor groups, subgroups, and individuals via regularization methods: application to gut microbiome data" in Bioinformatics.

January 2013: Check out our article "Structured variable selection with q-values" in Biostatistics.

January 2013: Tanya Garcia joins the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Texas A&M University School of Public Health as an assistant professor.