Associate Professor of Biostatistics

Associate Director
Professor of Statistics
Penn State University

Associate Director
Sally Kerlin Professor of Neurology
Columbia University
Methods for INcomplete Data (MIND)
November 2024: Labsgiving 2024!
November 2024: Celebration at the UNC Biostatistics 75th Anniversary!
October 2024: Hiking adventures with the Penn State Crew!
May 2024: Tanya delivers her keynote talk at the 2024 Washington Statistical Society Gertrude M. Cox Lecture and Reception! Check it out on YouTube.
May 2024: What a joy to hood Dr. Marissa Ashner, Ph.D.! She'll always be a rising star, and the world will continue to see her amazing-ness!
May 2024: Loving the tag-team celebrations for MS graduates at UNC-CH and Wake Forest University! Big shoutout to Jesus Vazquez (UNC-CH), Ashley Mullan (Wake Forest; supervised by Sarah Lotspeich, Ph.D.), and Ben Bodek (UNC-CH) for crushing it and earning those MS degrees!
March 2024: Fun times in Baltimore, the Charm City, for ENAR 2024!
January 2024: The lab goes to Banff!
January 2024: Lumberjack party!
July 2023: Celebrating Marissa's PhD defense. Congratulations Dr. Ashner!!
April 2023: Celebrating our team paper with mini golf at ParTEE Shack!
March 2023: Sharing our research at ENAR 2023.
February 2023: Celebrating our first R01!
January 2023: Totally nailed it: we escaped the escape room with a few minutes to spare!
November 2021: Labsgiving!
October 2021: Having fun at the Lab BBQ!
September 2021: Working with a coach to learn professional development skills.
August 2021: Hanging out at the first lab lunch at UNC-CH!